A Prefeitura Municipal de Itambé em parceria com o Instituto do Bem-Estar (IBEM) realizou o curso Como criar galinhas orgânicas nos dias 22, 23 e 24 de novembro de 2018, com o apoio do Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento.

O Curso foi aberto à comunidade em geral e visou repartir conhecimentos para qualificar pessoas de diferentes origens da nossa sociedade sobre os sistemas orgânicos e agroecológicos de produção animal e áreas relacionadas, com foco em galinhas. Totalizou 24 h de aulas, com aulas teóricas no Auditório da Prefeitura e atividades práticas em propriedades próximas, de alguns participantes. Participaram 20 assentados da Associação de agricultores e criadores de Paraguaçu além de técnicos (entre veterinários, zootecnistas e técnicos agrícolas) e estudantes de Pernambuco e da Bahia.


As veterinárias Angela Escosteguy do IBEM e Patrícia Carrazzoni, da Prefeitura de Itambé foram as coordenadoras do Curso. Além delas, o curso contou com a participação do facilitador o O Eng. Agrônomo Vladimir Guimarães, do Ministério da Agricultura.


Programação do conteúdo teórico

  • Sistemas de produção de alimentos: situação, desafios e oportunidades;
  • Bases e princípios das criações orgânicas;
  • Bem-estar, estruturas, galinheiros, cercas;
  • Manejo e controle de parasitoses;
  • Terapêuticas permitidas: homeopatia e plantas bioativas e medicinais;
  • Plantas medicinais nas criações de animais;
  • Legislação e garantia da qualidade orgânica;
  • Alimentos orgânicos: características, certificação e mercado;

Atividades em grupo:

  • Identificação de demandas e dificuldades;
  •  Planejamento da transição ao modelo orgânico nos seus respectivos mapas ou desenhos das propriedades;
  • Planejamento para formação de redes de produção, certificação e comercialização.

Dia de campo:

  • Exercicio de planejamento para transição ao sistema orgânico de produção.

Além das atividades teóricas ocorreram também diversas atividades em grupo onde os participantes identificaram demandas e dificuldades de sua região.

No último dia ocorreu visita de campo em várias proproedades dos participantes, para exercício de transição ao modelo orgânico.

Veja AQUI o vídeo.

O curso encerrou com a construção de um planejamento coletivo. Todos os participantes colaboraram para a elaboração de um Plano de Ação abordando as fases de produção, certificação e acesso a mercado.



(26/27 respostas anônimas)


6. Você avalia que seu investimento (financeiro, tempo e outros) para a realização do curso foi compensado? 100% dos participantes responderam sim.

7. Avalie o curso com uma nota de 1 a 10, sendo 1= ruim e 10 = excelente.



IFOAM (International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements), in partnership with IBEM, held for the first time in Brazil the Training Course of Leaders in Agroecology and Organic Production, from August 2017 to June 2018. This course has been carried out since 2012 in countries of Europe, Asia and Latin America.

the course took place in three phases: two face-to-face sessions of a week each and an 8-month distance phase with a virtual meeting (webinar) each month.

The first face-to-face phase occur in Rincão Gaia / RS, in September 2017. See the complete report here

The second phase of the course consisted of monthly webinars that ran from August 2017 to May 2018. Each virtual meeting addressed a different theme:



August / 17 – Presentation of the course

October / 17 – Holistic Production Systems

November / 17 – Herbivores and ecosystem services

December / 17 – Agroforest

January / 18 – Sustainable Extractivism and Socio-biodiversity Products

February / 18 – Food systems

March / 18 – Marketing systems

April / 18 – Campaigns and communication

May18 – Counting Actual Costs



The third phase of the course took place from June 2 to 5 at Vila Yamaguischi in Jaguariúna / SP and on June 6 at Biofach / BioBrazil Fair in the city of São Paulo. The Yamaguishi Village produces horticultural, fruit, jelly, honey and organic eggs and is a training center in agroecology and organic production.


Patrícia Flores of IFOAM / AL / Peru) and Angela Escosteguy (IBEM / Brazil) were the coordinators of the Course and together with Romeu Leite, founder of Vila Yamaghishi and Marcelo Laurino of the Ministry of Agriculture facilitated the course



In addition to the theoretical activities, there were practical activities such as group dynamics, debates, leadership practices and various forms of communication.


There were also group integration activities.


There were also two technical visits to organic farms:

  • At São José farm, producer of vegetables, fruits, milk and organic dairy products.
  • At Fountains Farm, a Biodynamic School and productive farm with orchards, vegetable gardens, pastures, milk and poultry, woods
    and fountains.


On the 6th of June, the group visited Biofach and Biobrazil Fair, the largest organic fair in Latin America, in São Paulo city there was
an opportunity to meet face-to-face with some webinars teachers, businessmen of organic sector and members of Brazilian government
such as Luiz Carlos Demattê Filho, (Korin Agropecuária), Rogério Dias (ABA) Marcelo Laurino (Ministry of Agriculture) and Maria
Fernanda Fonseca (Pesagro).



During the fair, there was the graduation ceremony with the participation of Brazilian organic sector authorities, such as Dr. Virginia Lira, Coordinator of Agroecology / and Dr. Marcelo Laurino from Ministry of Agriculture, Dr. Marco Pavarino from the Special Secretariat for
Family Agriculture and Agrarian Development and Dr. Romeu Leite from Vila Yamaghishi





GENERAL EVALUATION OF THE COURSE ( 11/ 14 anonymous answers)

Evaluate how much the OLC Course contributed to your development as a leader.

Do you consider your time and money well invested in this course?

Evaluate the OLC Course. 1 for bad and 10 for excellent



We thank all those who made this course possible!

Markus Arbenz – Executive Director/IFOAM
Konrad Hauptfleisch – Head of Capacity Development/ IFOAM
Bárbara Zilly – Capacity Development /FOAM
Patrícia Flores – IFOAM LA
IFOAm Head Office
Angela Escosteguy – Director/IBEM
IBEM Office
Romeu Leite
Marcelo Laurino
René Piamonte
Carlos Nabinger
Felipe Pasini
Rogério Dias
Luiz Carlos Demattê Filho
Laércio Meirelles
Denise Godinho
David Gould
Participants of the Course






The OLC Course IFOAM América Latina 2017/18 – Formation of Leaders in Agroecology and Organic Production took place on June 5, in São Paulo. 14 participants from different parts of Brazil, among producers, technicians and university professors recieved the certificate. The graduation marked the end of a 10-month course that included lectures, technical visits, webinars with speakers from various countries and preparation of reports, public interventions and Development Project.
The ceremony took place during Biofach – the largest organic fair in Latin America and was attended by the Coordinators of the Patrícia Flores Course of IFOAM / AL and Angela Escosteguy of the IBEM, and organic sector authorities: Dr. Virginia Lira, Coordinator of Agroecology / MAPA, Dr. Marcelo Laurino of CPORG-SP / MAPA, Dr. Romeu Leite, producer, Vila Yamaghushi / SP and Dr. Marco Pavarino of SEAD / DF.
The course was promoted by IFOAM (International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements) in partnership with the IBEM and took place for the first time in Brazil. This course has been carried out by IFOAM since 2012, in countries of Europe, Asia and Africa. The activity aims to develop leadership skills and facilitate the construction of networks for the exchange of knowledge, knowledge, innovation and interaction between the different actors of the agroecological movement and the organic segment.
To know more click here


Two days of learning, exchanging experiences and socializing

In the last week of February, the IBEM held its first course of the year, addressing the main aspects of the creation of organic chickens. With a duration of 12 hours, the course took theoretical classes in Porto Alegre and had its practical classes at Granja Porteira Orgânica in Viamão.

The event sold out quickly. Twenty-five people participated, among veterinarians, agronomists, zoo technicians, biologists, university professors and producers, from the states of Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and São Paulo.

“It is very stimulating to see a group of highly motivated people seeking to improve their knowledge to work on a production system that not only produces healthy food but also cares for the environment and animals,” says Angela Escosteguy, IBEM president and facilitator of the course. For Angela it is always a pleasure to help motivated people to work for a better world. She gives a special thanks to Jurema and Zeno Schneider “for sharing their knowledge and for recieving us so well in the farm where they produce organic eggs.  I return home full of joy and hope for the future renewed”.