Participants learned how to make ferments

The workshop was held on September 5, 2016, at Fazendinha do Pastoreio, in Eldorado do Sul. The Workshop was conducted by the farmer and veterinarian Flávio Figueiredo including theoretical classes and practical activities concerning the production of different types of fermented foods. About thirty people, among students, technicians and producers participated in the event promoted by IBEM.

The production of fermented foods has been increasingly used due to its several benefits: increased digestibility, nutritional value and good palatability. Ferment food has an antagonistic action to enteritis and contributed to an improvement of the immune system response. The workshop showed the different inoculums and substrates and their behaviors and potentialities.

The participants learned how to make ferments for monogastric and polygastric animals and also visited the installations for production of large volumes of fermented foods.



The workshop attracted breeders, technicians, teachers and students from various states of Brazil.

Ministered by the agronomist Alberto Miguel, on May 6 and 7, 2016, the workshop had theoretical classes at the Faculty of Agronomy of Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)  and practices at the Maxgo Jersey Dairy Farm, currently transitioning to the organic system. Thirty people from different states of the country participated such as: breeders, agronomists, veterinarians, zootechnicians, administrators, Emater-RS technicians, Emater-PA, as well as students and professors from the universities UFRGS, UFPEL and FURG.

According to Angela Escosteguy, president of the IBEM, it is essential to understand that the way we manage animals will determine whether the herd will cause or reduce environmental impacts, such as carbon release and desertification. “Well managed animals (in rotation) enrich, fertilize and recover poor soils and even desertified areas with their waste. Consequently, there will be qualitative and quantitative improvement in pastures, animal feed and production per area, as well as a system that captures carbon”, she explains, adding that the workshop provided an enriching exchange of experiences


 Homeopathic medicines promotes animal health and improves productivity.

The workshop with more than 30 participants took place in the Department of Animal Science of the Faculty of Agronomy of UFRGS in October 2016, and was given by the homeopath veterinarian Alexandre Mendonça. The course lasted 8 hours, with lectures on principles of homeopathy and practices of Preparation of homeopathic salt. Increasingly used, especially in organic creations, homeopathic medicines are a preventive practice as they promote the balance and the defenses of the animals. “It brings a lot of benefits to animal health and a consequent improvement in productivity,” emphasizes Angela Escosteguy, president of the IBEM Brazil.



Identification, collection and preparation were the topics of the workshop by IBEM Brazil.

With a 12-hour duration, the workshop was taught by biologist and plant specialist Virgínia Koch, in November 2016 with theoretical classes in Porto Alegre and 8 hours of practical activities at Granja Porteira Orgânica, owned by Zeno and Jurema Scneider, in Viamão, Rio Grande do Sul.

In the morning, 20 participants had the opportunity to identify and collect bioactive and medicinal plants in the wild. The practices of processing and preparation of medications such as disinfectants, deworms, repellents, soaps, healing ointments, among others, occurred in the afternoon.





The course had preparation of biotherapeutics and dynamization of homeopathic medicines.

The Applied Veterinary Homeopathy Course took place on the 23rd and 24th of April at Biodynamic Farm in Capão Alto das Criúvas, owned by João Volkmmann, and with livestock of Mauro Gouvea’s Maxgo Jersey Farm. The course had 8 hours of theoretical work on the homeopathic sanitary management of several animal species and 8 hours of practical activities with dairy buffalo. Homeopath veterinarian Vicente Dias, by the IBEM Brazil gave the classes contemplating health and health practices and the exercise of elaboration of a homeopathic health work plan. There were also preparation of nosodes (biotherapeutics) and dynamization of homeopathic medicines. The course had 18 participants, among producers, veterinary technicians, agronomists, zootechnicians and students from several states.


Assista aqui o vídeo sobre Homeopatia, com Vicente Dias:



The course gathered participants from several brazilian states such as Rio Grande do Sul, Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Bahia and Paraiba.

With 8 hours of theoretical classes in Porto Alegre and 8 hours of practical activities at the Maxgo Jersey Farm in Tapes, Rio Grande do Sul, the Transition to Organic Livestock. The course took place on April 21 and 22/ 2016 and was conducted by veterinarians Angela Escosteguy and Antônio Vicente Dias , from IBEM.  Participated in the course fifteen producers, technicians, veterinarians, agronomists, zootechnicians and students from Rio Grande do Sul and several regions from Brazil.

Theoretical classes addressed the step-by-step transition – in accordance with Brazilian organic production standards, based on Normative Instruction No. 46 – and group exercises to prepare the Organic Management Plan required by the legislation.

The practical activities included (1) evaluating the welfare and management of animals, mainly calves; (2) processing and preparation of bioactive and medicinal herbal medicines; (3) practice of preparation of homeopathic medicines  with salt.






In November 2016, for the first time, the  IBEM promoted a course in the Northeast of the country. The course Introduction to Organic Livestock was the result of a partnership between  IBEM and  the  Agronomic Institute of Perbambuco (IPA). The course was 24 hours long and included theoretical classes in Carpina and practices at the Itambé Experimental Station in Pernambuco.

Open to the general community, the course aimed to qualify people from different groups of society to work in agroecological systems of animal production, especially in organic animal system production and related topics.  Fifteen IPA technicians and ten community members participated, among students, producers and technicians from related areas of Pernambuco and neighboring states. The veterinarians Angela Escosteguy (IBEM) and Dr. Patrícia Gallindo Carrazzoni (IPA), ministred the course.

It was three days of intense work at CETREINO – Training Center in Carpina. The program addressed:  Food production systems; Bases and perspectives of organic livestock; Animal welfare; Organic production legislation; Sanitary management to control parasitizes; Processing and use of bioactive and medicinal plants in veterinary; Transition to organic production model; Organic foods: characteristics and market.

The practical activities at the CETREINO included

  1. Elaboration of the Organic Management Plan and transition to organic model;
  2. Processing of bioactive and medicinal plants.

The station’s coordinator, Dr. Fernando Tenório Filho, foresees that the transition phase and the creation of organic sheep will begin in 2017.

Click here for the video.


IBEM participates in two events in Erzurum, Turkey

The president of the Institute of Welfare (IBEM), Angela Escosteguy, ministered from 17 to 24/05/2016 the training on Meat Production and Organic Milk for 25 producers and technicians from Erzurum. The International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) in conjunction with the IBEM organized the activity. Learn more about the course here.

At the same time, the IBEM participated in the Civil Society Dialogue Program, between the European Community and Turkey, in the project to disseminate organic meat and milk production.