The workshop attracted breeders, technicians, teachers and students from various states of Brazil.

Ministered by the agronomist Alberto Miguel, on May 6 and 7, 2016, the workshop had theoretical classes at the Faculty of Agronomy of Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)  and practices at the Maxgo Jersey Dairy Farm, currently transitioning to the organic system. Thirty people from different states of the country participated such as: breeders, agronomists, veterinarians, zootechnicians, administrators, Emater-RS technicians, Emater-PA, as well as students and professors from the universities UFRGS, UFPEL and FURG.

According to Angela Escosteguy, president of the IBEM, it is essential to understand that the way we manage animals will determine whether the herd will cause or reduce environmental impacts, such as carbon release and desertification. “Well managed animals (in rotation) enrich, fertilize and recover poor soils and even desertified areas with their waste. Consequently, there will be qualitative and quantitative improvement in pastures, animal feed and production per area, as well as a system that captures carbon”, she explains, adding that the workshop provided an enriching exchange of experiences

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